List of Edmonton’s Gay Bars
Read the 5-part series, The History of Edmonton’s Gay Bars Part 1: The Beginning Part 2: A Flashback to Flashback…
Read the 5-part series, The History of Edmonton’s Gay Bars Part 1: The Beginning Part 2: A Flashback to Flashback…
Read Part 1: The Beginning & Part 2: A Flashback to Flashback. The Roost Another important venue in Edmonton’s gay…
Read Part 1: The Beginning In the summer of 1975, Pat F., Johnny K., Harvey J., Paul Chisholm (more popularly…
Same-sex relations have been a part of life on the expansive prairies since time immemorial. Some Indigenous Nations have long…
Picture this: frenzied hand clapping, foot stomping, finger tapping, rhythmic call and response-type songs, passionate Amens, Hallelujahs and killer vocals all led by…
At the centre of Edmonton’s river valley system sits William Hawrelak Park, an “emerald oasis” that plays host to ice…
Disclaimer: Due to the importance around the legal designation of Indian status, this article sometimes uses the term “Indian” to…
I want to share my personal history of growing up in one of Edmonton’s Chinatowns in the 1970s. The Chinatown,…
Long before shopping malls and suburbia, the heart of the city was Edmonton’s preferred place to pause for a meal…
Hurtig’s Firsts Mel Hurtig didn’t start in the book business, but once there, he fell in love. In his 1996…
Before Esther and Ron Matcham moved to Edmonton, the stretch of 148th Street between 92nd and 100th Avenue wasn’t much…
In the middle of the twentieth century, G. S. Woodward was one of a handful of Edmontonians who plied the…