
Stories tagged: 1910s

The Spruce of Mill Creek School

Christina Hardie

Since time immemorial, Indigenous peoples have lived with the land upon which Mill Woods is built. Words like Sakaw, Meyokumin…

June 29, 1915 — Edmonton’s River Valley Floods

Sally Scott

On June 29, 1915, the North Saskatchewan River flooded Edmonton’s river valley. The river had flooded before, of course, but…

Oliver’s Beer Castle

Lawrence Herzog

Since then, the 1913 building and an adjacent red brick office addition, built in 1924 and added to in 1955,…

Apartment Living – Then and Now

Sally Scott

Imagine reading in a local newspaper the following description of a building to be built in Edmonton: A driveway will…

Brewmonton – A YEG Brew History Primer

Ryan Stephens

Whether or not you’re one to personally enjoy the sudsy beverages, Edmonton has been shaped by a brewing and distilling industry that has…

Baby, It’s Cold Outside!: A Brief History of Winter Fashion in Edmonton

Laurie Callsen

As one of the largest Northern Canadian urban centres, Edmonton is known for its long, sometimes harsh winters. For centuries,…

Alex Decoteau’s Inspiring Run at Life

Lawrence Herzog

Decoteau was born on November 19, 1887 on the Red Pheasant Reserve just south of Battleford in present day Saskatchewan….

Buena Vista Building

Lawrence Herzog

Streetcars trundled down Jasper Avenue and turned northward to travel along newly-laid tracks on 124th Street. It was a vibrant…


Laurie Callsen

That morning’s Bulletin’s front section was full of the latest war news, from details of the armistice to coverage of…

Tracks into the Past

Lawrence Herzog

The Canadian Northern Railway (CNoR) arrived in Edmonton in 1905 and laid tracks into downtown just north of 104th Avenue…

Crawford Block

Lawrence Herzog

Over its 102 years, the main floor of the building has served as a tent and awning store and was…

The City Market: Local Goods and a Homegrown Community

Sally Scott

When I first moved downtown from the Whyte Avenue area, I was incredibly nervous. Resistant to the idea that downtown…