
Stories tagged: Indigenous

The Other Side of Emily Murphy

Terry Jorden

Shortly after entering Emily Murphy Park, which sits on the banks of the North Saskatchewan River between Groat Bridge and…

Edmonton’s River Lots: A Layer in Our History

Connor Thompson

In 2018, a new Edmonton park was opened and given the name “ᐄᓃᐤ (ÎNÎW) River Lot 11∞,” an appellation that evokes…

Nellie Carlson and the Indian Rights for Indian Women movement

Bruce Cinnamon

Disclaimer: Due to the importance around the legal designation of Indian status, this article sometimes uses the term “Indian” to…

Our Shared Reconciliation Journey

Mayor Don Iveson

In my role is Mayor I am often asked to champion important causes and lend my voice to local community…

The Curious Case of the 1908 Enoch Surrender

Rob Houle

At the time of Treaty No. 6, much change and settlement was taking place in the West, with displacement and…

François Lucier and the Fight Against Horse Thieves

Lauren Markewicz

Horses were a vital resource at Fort Edmonton and hundreds were kept by the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) in the…

Amiskwaciwâskahikan Ostêsimâwasinahikan Nikotwâsik

Rob Houle

Throughout Indigenous territories, histories, cultures and stories, there exist a number of locations that hold a special significance, apart from…

Richard Henry Secord and Métis Scrip Speculation

Rob Houle

When history is told, it largely reflects events, understandings and individuals who best serve the desires of the recorder. In…

Peter Erasmus & Storytelling

Tom Long

There’s something about a good story and a good storyteller. Stories and facts aren’t exclusive, thank goodness. We all connect…

Kisiskāciwani-sīpiy – Swift Flowing River

Jenna Chalifoux

Rising out of the Rocky Mountain glaciers, flowing ever eastward toward Hudson Bay, the North Saskatchewan River has meandered across…

Metis Matriarch – Thelma Chalifoux

Jenna Chalifoux

Our mothers are more than just a physical person, just as our houses are more than just a structure to…

Subverting Edmonton

Rhonda Kronyk

When you think of Edmonton you likely don’t think of subversive acts. After all, we are conservative prairie dwellers who…