
Stories tagged: Downtown

Modern Times: Christmas Shopping in Edmonton 100 Years Ago

Sally Scott

Christmas is rapidly approaching, and it’s not hard to catch the spirit of the holidays in Edmonton. Trees are lit…

Edmonton: A World Class Dump, Part One – Grierson Dump

Dr. Russell Cobb

Waste may be as old as humanity, but the idea of trash is a relatively modern concept. In the first…

Dead Venues – Fall Update

Eden Munro and Mike Siek

Six two-minute talking-head style interviews viewable on the internet, along with links to associated content such as posters, images and…

The Pisces Bathhouse Raid

Victoria Holota

Forty members of the Edmonton Police service, six RCMP officers, and two crown attorneys stormed the Pisces Health Spa, a…

When Trolleys Came to Edmonton

Lawrence Herzog

For 70 years, electric trolleybuses travelled the streets of Edmonton. Between 1939 and 2009, they provided the city with an…

Mike’s News Stand

Lawrence Herzog

For 70 years, Mike’s News Stand was an Edmonton institution. For most of that time, it operated from a storefront…

Apartment Living – Then and Now

Sally Scott

Imagine reading in a local newspaper the following description of a building to be built in Edmonton: A driveway will…

Brewmonton – A YEG Brew History Primer

Ryan Stephens

Whether or not you’re one to personally enjoy the sudsy beverages, Edmonton has been shaped by a brewing and distilling industry that has…

McDougall United Church

Lawrence Herzog

Named for Reverend George McDougall, who arrived in the Edmonton area in 1862, the orange-red brick church at the top…

Edmonton Goes to the Dogs

Natalie Zacharewski

Edmonton loves their dogs. If you are one of the many that own or ‘parent’ these animals, I would hazard…

Baby, It’s Cold Outside!: A Brief History of Winter Fashion in Edmonton

Laurie Callsen

As one of the largest Northern Canadian urban centres, Edmonton is known for its long, sometimes harsh winters. For centuries,…

Edmonton’s Town Crier

Lawrence Herzog

Note: at the time depicted in this story as well as when it was written, Edmonton’s CFL team was known…