History of Edmonton’s Gay Bars, Part 4: The Expanding Scene
Read Part 1: The Beginning, Part 2: A Flashback to Flashback & Part 3: The Long-Running here. A Kaleidoscope of…
Read Part 1: The Beginning, Part 2: A Flashback to Flashback & Part 3: The Long-Running here. A Kaleidoscope of…
Read Part 1: The Beginning & Part 2: A Flashback to Flashback. The Roost Another important venue in Edmonton’s gay…
Read Part 1: The Beginning In the summer of 1975, Pat F., Johnny K., Harvey J., Paul Chisholm (more popularly…
Picture this: frenzied hand clapping, foot stomping, finger tapping, rhythmic call and response-type songs, passionate Amens, Hallelujahs and killer vocals all led by…
Womonspace was a social and recreational group for lesbians founded in 1981. Part of Edmonton’s LGBTQ landscape for over thirty…
Disclaimer: Due to the importance around the legal designation of Indian status, this article sometimes uses the term “Indian” to…
The central downtown neighbourhood south of Jasper Avenue but north of the river valley was a small but busy hub…
Hurtig’s Firsts Mel Hurtig didn’t start in the book business, but once there, he fell in love. In his 1996…
Before Esther and Ron Matcham moved to Edmonton, the stretch of 148th Street between 92nd and 100th Avenue wasn’t much…
Today, Edmonton is home to more than 60,000 people of South Asian heritage. Speaking Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati, Bengali, Malayalam,…
The end of the Second World War in 1945 signalled an economic boom for Canada with primary and secondary industries…
The early twentieth century was a period of rapid urbanisation, with folks flooding into urban centres, including Edmonton, from the…