
Stories tagged: 1950s

The Cowboys in the Sky: The Story of Edmonton’s Ironworkers

Jamie Ausmus

High above the rooftops, the iron giants balance and shimmy along beams, attaching one piece of strategically placed steel after…

Edmonton: A World Class Dump, Part Two – Feel the Burn: Edmonton’s Curious Love Affair with Incinerators

Dr. Russell Cobb

Perhaps the desire to burn our waste comes from a primeval desire to cover our tracks. And our smells. Incineration…

Remembering the Corner Store

Lawrence Herzog

A bell jangles as the weathered door creaks open and the smells and memories flood back:  being six years old,…

The Legislature Maces

Bruce Cinnamon

In its simplest terms, the mace represents the authority of Her Majesty the Queen to create law and to rule…

Edmonton’s Candied Past

Lawrence Herzog

Right from the beginning, Edmonton has had a sweet tooth. Newcomers from European countries brought with them a love for…

Shapeshifting: The Men’s Faculty Club, the Faculty Women’s Club, and Gender at the University of Alberta

Sally Scott

As the century continued, Edmonton entered a heyday of its own, including the opening of the University of Alberta in…

Edmonton’s “Sunday Modernism” – Modernist Churches in the Post-War Era

Tai Ziola

The institution of the church is changing. The congregation at Ebenezer United Church in West Edmonton will be merging[1] with…

Beatrice Carmichael – The Grand Dame of Edmonton Opera

Peggy Donnelly

Known to her students and close friends as Auntie Van, Beatrice Carmichael was a classically trained musician from Chicago, who…

Heritage Meets History: Exploring a Family’s Past

Tim O'Grady

I married into a big Edmonton family. The matriarch of the clan is Elsie Henderson (née Maksymuik), my wife’s grandmother….

Metis Matriarch – Thelma Chalifoux

Jenna Chalifoux

Our mothers are more than just a physical person, just as our houses are more than just a structure to…

Subverting Edmonton

Rhonda Kronyk

When you think of Edmonton you likely don’t think of subversive acts. After all, we are conservative prairie dwellers who…

The Good Old Maple Leaf Athletic Club

Moly Milosovic

To call Edmonton a hockey city is obvious. Many little ones learn to skate before preschool, and an enthusiasm for…