
Stories tagged: 1950s

Finding Sophie’s Way

Lea Storry

Sophie’s Way is a twist of concrete winding up a short but steep hill in the Edmonton river valley. The…

History of West Ritchie

Cooper Csorba

At the center of West Ritchie is 81st Avenue (between 102nd and 100th Street), a commercial street that feels far removed from the…

The Last Edmonton Coal Mine: Whitemud Creek

Katherine Koller

Rambling up the steep paths of the Whitemud Creek cutbank, a view of Rainbow Valley Park appears along with the…

Alice Mailhot Ross: Canada’s first female architect?

Cheryl Mahaffy

Growing up, Alice Mailhot set her sights on being an engineer like her father. Perhaps Zepherin Mailhot’s life in frontier…

Mayor William Hawrelak: Resigned, Removed & Re-elected

Justin Bell

At the centre of Edmonton’s river valley system sits William Hawrelak Park, an “emerald oasis” that plays host to ice…

Nellie Carlson and the Indian Rights for Indian Women movement

Bruce Cinnamon

Disclaimer: Due to the importance around the legal designation of Indian status, this article sometimes uses the term “Indian” to…

Edmonton’s Downtown Lunch Counters

Lawrence Herzog

Long before shopping malls and suburbia, the heart of the city was Edmonton’s preferred place to pause for a meal…

Beth Shalom Synagogue

Lawrence Herzog

The Beth Shalom Synagogue is an Oliver neighbourhood landmark at 11906 Jasper Avenue. When it was completed in 1951, the…

Edmonton: A World Class Dump, Part Three – Salvage Men, Coal Mines, and a Futuristic Weir

Dr. Russell Cobb

In the middle of the twentieth century, G. S. Woodward was one of a handful of Edmontonians who plied the…

Beverly Cenotaph

Lawrence Herzog

Less than two years after the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the first…

There Were No Safety Nets, Part 3: Edmonton’s Italian Community, 1949 to the Present

Adriana A. Davies

The end of the Second World War in 1945 signalled an economic boom for Canada with primary and secondary industries…

Signs of Another Time

Lawrence Herzog

Drive around the heart of Edmonton and you’ll see them. Worn by time, pounded by the elements but still clinging…