
Stories tagged: Downtown

Retrofutures: Edmonton’s Omniplex – Part 1

Dr. Russell Cobb

Many recent projects—the expansion of the University of Alberta, the construction of the West Edmonton Mall, the plans for new…

Retrofutures: Edmonton’s Omniplex – Part 2

Dr. Russell Cobb

Continued from Retrofutures: Edmonton’s Omniplex – Part 1 This moment in Edmonton’s history happened to coincide with one of the…

Alex Decoteau’s Inspiring Run at Life

Lawrence Herzog

Decoteau was born on November 19, 1887 on the Red Pheasant Reserve just south of Battleford in present day Saskatchewan….

Chocolate Bar Strike

Neil Cramer

How frequently is it that we hear our peers or elders talk about how children are lazy and don’t have…

Tracks into the Past

Lawrence Herzog

The Canadian Northern Railway (CNoR) arrived in Edmonton in 1905 and laid tracks into downtown just north of 104th Avenue…

1920s WWI commemorative shield found

Lori Clark

One of the most unique artifacts on permanent display at Edmonton Public Schools Archives and Museum is a large bronze…

The City Market: Local Goods and a Homegrown Community

Sally Scott

When I first moved downtown from the Whyte Avenue area, I was incredibly nervous. Resistant to the idea that downtown…

Edmonton’s Lost Banks

Lawrence Herzog

Jasper Avenue has a long tradition as Edmonton’s centre of commerce and financial enterprise. At one point in the early…

Edmonton’s Pioneer Photographers

Lawrence Herzog

Just as importantly, the earliest archivists and some government leaders understood the enormous value of this visual history, and had…

Edmonton: The Great Escape

Mary Pinkoski

On August 1, 1926 there is a story that the barking of a small dog startled an elephant named Mary…

Edmonton's Old City Hall

Edmonton’s 1957 City Hall

Lawrence Herzog

Edmonton’s second City Hall was a news-making building right from the beginning. Completed in 1957 as one of Canada’s first…

Parking Meter Fairy’s days numbered

Mike Ross

The officer stops writing and mutters, “You could.” Oh, thank you, Parking Patrol Officer. Clink, clink, clink, clink go four…