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Apartment Living – Then and Now

Sally Scott

Imagine reading in a local newspaper the following description of a building to be built in Edmonton: A driveway will…

Brewmonton – A YEG Brew History Primer

Ryan Stephens

Whether or not you’re one to personally enjoy the sudsy beverages, Edmonton has been shaped by a brewing and distilling industry that has…

Crafting a Brew for the Ages

The ECAMP Team

The love child of ECAMP, Beer Geeks Anonymous and beer aficionado Jason Foster, our BrewCurious tour has been fermenting for nearly a year….

McDougall United Church

Lawrence Herzog

Named for Reverend George McDougall, who arrived in the Edmonton area in 1862, the orange-red brick church at the top…

Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Parish

Andres Lalama

The story of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish does not fit the conventional standards of history or historical places by…

Edmonton Goes to the Dogs

Natalie Zacharewski

Edmonton loves their dogs. If you are one of the many that own or ‘parent’ these animals, I would hazard…

Baby, It’s Cold Outside!: A Brief History of Winter Fashion in Edmonton

Laurie Callsen

As one of the largest Northern Canadian urban centres, Edmonton is known for its long, sometimes harsh winters. For centuries,…

Edmonton’s Town Crier

Lawrence Herzog

Note: at the time depicted in this story as well as when it was written, Edmonton’s CFL team was known…

Dead Venues – The Indie, Rock, Alt Music Scene (1980s-2000s)

Eden Munro and Mike Siek

What makes up a music community? How does one venue turn into a place where a community can grow while…

The Father of Edmonton’s Traffic Circles

Lawrence Herzog

He established the practice of “neighbourhood unit” planning. And, borrowing a popular urban design feature from his native land, he…

Re-Imagining Rossdale: Pehonan and the Power Plant

Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail

EPCOR decommissioned the Rossdale power plant in 2011 and handed it over to the City not long after I moved…

Retrofutures: Edmonton’s Omniplex – Part 1

Dr. Russell Cobb

Many recent projects—the expansion of the University of Alberta, the construction of the West Edmonton Mall, the plans for new…