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Edmonton: A World Class Dump, Part One – Grierson Dump

Dr. Russell Cobb

Waste may be as old as humanity, but the idea of trash is a relatively modern concept. In the first…

Queers on Campus

Bruce Cinnamon

Before the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1969, the University of Alberta’s queer community was similar to those everywhere else in Canada:…

The Mountifield House

Lawrence Herzog

Designed by renowned local architect James Edward Wize and built in 1905, the Mountifield House was one of Oliver’s earliest…

Photo by Tim O'Grady. Do not reproduce.

A Kingdom in North Edmonton: Castle Downs, 1969-1979

Tim O'Grady

When I moved to Castle Downs nearly ten years ago, I saw a typical 1970s development: parks, schools, stores, churches,…

Canada’s Mr. Polka – Gaby Haas

Lawrence Herzog

Gaby Haas oom-pah-pahed his way through nearly a half-century of Edmonton’s musical soundtrack. He was a musician, radio and television…

Dead Venues – Fall Update

Eden Munro and Mike Siek

Six two-minute talking-head style interviews viewable on the internet, along with links to associated content such as posters, images and…

The North Saskatchewan River

Ester Malzahn

Before the highways and railways, there was the North Saskatchewan River. During the 18th and 19th centuries, the Saskatchewan River…

The Story of Sylvancroft

Lawrence Herzog

The grand residence that Harry Marshall Erskine Evans built starting in 1911 has survived the passage of 100 years virtually unaltered. Now…

Westmount School

Lawrence Herzog

Built on land that was part of the old Norris farm and purchased from the family for $3,200 in July…

Owen Cornish: Flying through Edmonton’s Cold War History

Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail

This past May, many of us celebrated the 70th anniversary of VE Day – or Victory Europe Day – the…

Built with Logs

Lawrence Herzog

In Edmonton’s early years, milled lumber was in short supply, and so dwellings were often constructed using logs. Early European…

Edmonton Folk Fest: How Did We Get Here?

Bryan Birtles

In 1980, with the province celebrating its 75th anniversary, an idea was hatched by Don Whalen and Mitch Podolak to…