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Richard Henry Secord and Métis Scrip Speculation

Rob Houle

When history is told, it largely reflects events, understandings and individuals who best serve the desires of the recorder. In…

The History of the Latta Bridge

Jane Gibson

As you approach the bridge from the east, on the south side you will catch a glimpse of a tall…

Peter Erasmus & Storytelling

Tom Long

There’s something about a good story and a good storyteller. Stories and facts aren’t exclusive, thank goodness. We all connect…

Kisiskāciwani-sīpiy – Swift Flowing River

Jenna Chalifoux

Rising out of the Rocky Mountain glaciers, flowing ever eastward toward Hudson Bay, the North Saskatchewan River has meandered across…

NeWest Press: A Regional Publishing Pioneer

Tracey L. Anderson

NeWest Press may no longer be new—it will soon commemorate its 40th anniversary—but when it began in 1977, it was…

The Legislature Maces

Bruce Cinnamon

In its simplest terms, the mace represents the authority of Her Majesty the Queen to create law and to rule…

Edmonton’s Candied Past

Lawrence Herzog

Right from the beginning, Edmonton has had a sweet tooth. Newcomers from European countries brought with them a love for…

Shapeshifting: The Men’s Faculty Club, the Faculty Women’s Club, and Gender at the University of Alberta

Sally Scott

As the century continued, Edmonton entered a heyday of its own, including the opening of the University of Alberta in…

Edmonton’s “Sunday Modernism” – Modernist Churches in the Post-War Era

Tai Ziola

The institution of the church is changing. The congregation at Ebenezer United Church in West Edmonton will be merging[1] with…

The Haven Social Club: Buy Lots, Tip Well

Jamie Ausmus

The walk up to 15120 Stony Plain Road was a gritty one. Dimly-lit advertisements for adult parlours, pawn shops and…

Edmonton’s Short-lived “Charity Meters”

Bryan Birtles

On April 30, 2001, Mayor Bill Smith smiled for the collected throng of reporters and photographers and dropped the first…

The Year of the Alaska Highway: 1942

Katherine Koller

When the world went to war again in 1939, Edmonton was an agriculture, coal mining and railway center of 90,000…