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History of Edmonton’s Gay Bars, Part 5: Into Today

Ron Byers and Rob Browatzke

Read Part 1: The Beginning, Part 2: A Flashback to Flashback, Part 3: The Long-Running & Part 4: The Expanding…

History of Edmonton’s Gay Bars, Part 4: The Expanding Scene

Ron Byers and Rob Browatzke

Read Part 1: The Beginning, Part 2: A Flashback to Flashback & Part 3: The Long-Running here. A Kaleidoscope of…

History of Edmonton’s Gay Bars, Part 3: The Long-Running

Ron Byers and Rob Browatzke

Read Part 1: The Beginning & Part 2: A Flashback to Flashback. The Roost Another important venue in Edmonton’s gay…

History of Edmonton’s Gay Bars, Part 2: A Flashback to Flashback

Ron Byers and Rob Browatzke

Read Part 1: The Beginning In the summer of 1975, Pat F., Johnny K., Harvey J., Paul Chisholm (more popularly…

History of Edmonton’s Gay Bars, Part 1: The Beginning

Ron Byers and Rob Browatzke

Same-sex relations have been a part of life on the expansive prairies since time immemorial. Some Indigenous Nations have long…

Alice Mailhot Ross: Canada’s first female architect?

Cheryl Mahaffy

Growing up, Alice Mailhot set her sights on being an engineer like her father. Perhaps Zepherin Mailhot’s life in frontier…

Edmonton’s River Lots: A Layer in Our History

Connor Thompson

In 2018, a new Edmonton park was opened and given the name “ᐄᓃᐤ (ÎNÎW) River Lot 11∞,” an appellation that evokes…

Edmonton’s Gospel Music Scene

Anmarie Bailey

Picture this: frenzied hand clapping, foot stomping, finger tapping, rhythmic call and response-type songs, passionate Amens, Hallelujahs and killer vocals all led by…

Mayor William Hawrelak: Resigned, Removed & Re-elected

Justin Bell

At the centre of Edmonton’s river valley system sits William Hawrelak Park, an “emerald oasis” that plays host to ice…

Womonspace: Creating Space for Edmonton’s Lesbian Community in the 1980s

Josephine Boxwell

Womonspace was a social and recreational group for lesbians founded in 1981. Part of Edmonton’s LGBTQ landscape for over thirty…

The History of Filipino Businesses in Edmonton

Giselle General

“Anak, siksikan nating yung bagahe mo nitong mga produktong Pinoy na ma-eenjoy ng mga kamag-anak natin. Alam kong wala ito…

“It’s in our veins,” Part 2: Edmonton Dance Schools and Latin American Identity

Miguel A. Priolo Marín & Nieva W. Srayko

Read “It’s in our veins,” Part 1 Immigration to a new community involves a dramatic change that can affect nearly…