Edmonton City as Museum Project is proud to announce our second “Virtual Exhibit”.
The original hardcopy exhibit was displayed in March 2011 and later revised by Dr. Jennifer Kelly and Dr. Alleson Mason in 2019. Hopefully this will prove useful to youth, educators and anyone with an interest in Black history in Alberta and Canada.

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.
— Poem And Still I Rise by Maya Angelou
About the Exhibit
As the virtual exhibition illustrates, Black Albertans did make history and we can therefore rightly claim that Black history is Canadian history and central to our understanding of the formation of Alberta.
Dr. Jennifer Kelly
Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta
Three featured collections are found within the exhibit which provide a deeper context to situate the intersecting timelines of diverse Albertan history.
1900 – 1920: An Early Presence: Individuals and Single Families
1921 – 1945: Community Formation, Activism & Citizenship
1945 – 1970: Struggles for Change

Guiding questions are found throughout the exhibit to encourage deeper thinking and reflection.
Take your time and wander through the many archival photographs, historical documents,
and learn about our shared histories as settler Canadians.

A short interview with
Dr. Jennifer Kelly (Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta), lead researcher and exhibit curator.
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