
Stories tagged: Westmount

Early Market Gardens in Edmonton

Katherine Koller

Surrounded by rows of towering tomato, cucumber and pepper plants in a greenhouse near Edmonton, I marvelled at tapas from…

Alfred Carrothers: Early Edmonton’s Crooked Confidence Man

Dr. Aidan Forth

The owner of any historic home will wonder about the generations that have lived within its walls. When I recently…

The Cowboys in the Sky: The Story of Edmonton’s Ironworkers

Jamie Ausmus

High above the rooftops, the iron giants balance and shimmy along beams, attaching one piece of strategically placed steel after…

Westmount School

Lawrence Herzog

Built on land that was part of the old Norris farm and purchased from the family for $3,200 in July…

The Strange Disappearance of Felicia Graham

Kathryn MacLean

The School Board, citing her persistence for fair compensation as being indicative of depression, suggested that she had jumped from…