
Stories tagged: unions

A group of workers standing outside the A-Channel headquarters, holding a sign that says "Scab TV"

The Labour Dispute Will Be Televised

John Vandenbeld

An inside look at the 2003-2004 strike at A-Channel Edmonton. “The strike dragged on through the fall and into the winter,” writes John Vandenbeld. “I both wanted it to end and feared its conclusion, knowing that I’d have to work with these people again.”

Against the Law: the 1988 Nurses’ Strike

Josephine Boxwell

“The government can make all the laws they want, but they can’t stop people from going on strike… You could…

The Porter: Building a Better Canada for All

Donna Coombs-Montrose

The Canadian National Railway Pullman train bustled through the Rocky Mountains on the way from Vancouver headed for a stop…

The Cowboys in the Sky: The Story of Edmonton’s Ironworkers

Jamie Ausmus

High above the rooftops, the iron giants balance and shimmy along beams, attaching one piece of strategically placed steel after…

Mind the Gap – Working Women in Edmonton’s history

Natalie Zacharewski

In the book Women: Her Character, Culture and Calling published in 1890 the author writes; Woman the half of humanity, and…