
Stories tagged: 1960s

Edmonton’s South Asian Community

Sam Singh

Today, Edmonton is home to more than 60,000 people of South Asian heritage.  Speaking Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati, Bengali, Malayalam,…

There Were No Safety Nets, Part 3: Edmonton’s Italian Community, 1949 to the Present

Adriana A. Davies

The end of the Second World War in 1945 signalled an economic boom for Canada with primary and secondary industries…

Signs of Another Time

Lawrence Herzog

Drive around the heart of Edmonton and you’ll see them. Worn by time, pounded by the elements but still clinging…

Edmonton and Its Pedway: A Love-Hate Relationship for the Ages

Sally Scott

The early twentieth century was a period of rapid urbanisation, with folks flooding into urban centres, including Edmonton, from the…

The Cowboys in the Sky: The Story of Edmonton’s Ironworkers

Jamie Ausmus

High above the rooftops, the iron giants balance and shimmy along beams, attaching one piece of strategically placed steel after…

Edmonton: A World Class Dump, Part Two – Feel the Burn: Edmonton’s Curious Love Affair with Incinerators

Dr. Russell Cobb

Perhaps the desire to burn our waste comes from a primeval desire to cover our tracks. And our smells. Incineration…

My Royal Alberta Museum

Tim O'Grady

The first time I saw the Provincial Museum of Alberta I was twelve years old. It was 1994 and the…

Remembering the Corner Store

Lawrence Herzog

A bell jangles as the weathered door creaks open and the smells and memories flood back:  being six years old,…

NeWest Press: A Regional Publishing Pioneer

Tracey L. Anderson

NeWest Press may no longer be new—it will soon commemorate its 40th anniversary—but when it began in 1977, it was…

Edmonton’s Candied Past

Lawrence Herzog

Right from the beginning, Edmonton has had a sweet tooth. Newcomers from European countries brought with them a love for…

Shapeshifting: The Men’s Faculty Club, the Faculty Women’s Club, and Gender at the University of Alberta

Sally Scott

As the century continued, Edmonton entered a heyday of its own, including the opening of the University of Alberta in…

Edmonton’s “Sunday Modernism” – Modernist Churches in the Post-War Era

Tai Ziola

The institution of the church is changing. The congregation at Ebenezer United Church in West Edmonton will be merging[1] with…