
Stories tagged: downtown development

Leilani Muir and Eugenics in Alberta

Kristine Kowalchuk

NOTE: this article contains historical but outdated and offensive language related to mental illness and neurodiversity. Leilani Muir was born…

Woodward’s & the $1.49 Day Tradition

Lawrence Herzog

As a kid, I remember the downtown Woodward’s store as a treasure trove of sights, sounds, and smells. It was the…

Retrofutures: Edmonton’s Omniplex – Part 1

Dr. Russell Cobb

Many recent projects—the expansion of the University of Alberta, the construction of the West Edmonton Mall, the plans for new…

Retrofutures: Edmonton’s Omniplex – Part 2

Dr. Russell Cobb

Continued from Retrofutures: Edmonton’s Omniplex – Part 1 This moment in Edmonton’s history happened to coincide with one of the…