
Stories tagged: 1900s

Re-Imagining Rossdale: Pehonan and the Power Plant

Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail

EPCOR decommissioned the Rossdale power plant in 2011 and handed it over to the City not long after I moved…

The City Market: Local Goods and a Homegrown Community

Sally Scott

When I first moved downtown from the Whyte Avenue area, I was incredibly nervous. Resistant to the idea that downtown…

Edmonton’s Lost Banks

Lawrence Herzog

Jasper Avenue has a long tradition as Edmonton’s centre of commerce and financial enterprise. At one point in the early…

Edmonton’s Pioneer Photographers

Lawrence Herzog

Just as importantly, the earliest archivists and some government leaders understood the enormous value of this visual history, and had…

Donnan Family and Queen Alexandra Dairy 1911- 1932

Dawn Saunders-Dahl

John Donnan was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1892 and immigrated to Canada in March 1902 as a young…

Wilfrid “Wop” May: An Old-School Hero for a New Generation

Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail

Dime novelists and reporters from the days of the earliest flights were only too happy to feed that appetite with…

100 Years of Calder

Lawrence Herzog

Calder’s story began in the early years of the 20th century when GTPR decided to locate its roundhouse, repair shop…