
Stories categorized: Things

New Life for Old Wood

Lawrence Herzog

The floor in Jesse Watson’s Calder bungalow is stamped with words like “wheat” and “barley,” clues to a fascinating past….

From There to Here: Reflections and Storytelling

Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail

Monday, July 27 was warm, as you’d expect on a summer day in Edmonton. In the open space of the…

These Bricks are Real Clinkers

Lawrence Herzog

Kilns used to produce bricks in the early 20th century didn’t have the ability to heat evenly, and those placed…

Built with Logs

Lawrence Herzog

In Edmonton’s early years, milled lumber was in short supply, and so dwellings were often constructed using logs. Early European…

Yearbook Ads – Douglas Printing

Curio Studio

Over the course of Curio’s working relationship with the Royal Alexandra Hospital, we discovered a tucked-away archive of old yearbooks…

Vintage Royal Alexandra Hospital Nursing program

Milestones – Vintage Yearbook Ads

Curio Studio

  Over the course of Curio’s working relationship with the hospital, we discovered a tucked-away archive of early 20th century…

When Trolleys Came to Edmonton

Lawrence Herzog

For 70 years, electric trolleybuses travelled the streets of Edmonton. Between 1939 and 2009, they provided the city with an…

Evidence and Story – Archaeology in Edmonton

Gareth Spicer

It has been said by many apt communicators that the grand, generalized and often repeated message is the most effective…

Baby, It’s Cold Outside!: A Brief History of Winter Fashion in Edmonton

Laurie Callsen

As one of the largest Northern Canadian urban centres, Edmonton is known for its long, sometimes harsh winters. For centuries,…

1920s WWI commemorative shield found

Lori Clark

One of the most unique artifacts on permanent display at Edmonton Public Schools Archives and Museum is a large bronze…

Laser Light Shows at the Edmonton Space Sciences Centre (Telus World of Science)

Frank Florian

On July 1, 1984, with the doors open to the newly built Edmonton Space Sciences Centre (ESSC), the facility ushered in…

Edmonton’s Lost Banks

Lawrence Herzog

Jasper Avenue has a long tradition as Edmonton’s centre of commerce and financial enterprise. At one point in the early…