There is a long list of people without whom the Edmonton City as Museum Project would not be possible. From the very bottom of our history loving hearts, we would like to thank all of our donors, volunteers and contributors for helping make ECAMP what it is today.
If you would like to donate to ECAMP, get involved as a volunteer or contribute your Edmonton history story, please get in touch at
ECAMP Story Contributors
- Tracey L. Anderson
- Jamie Ausmus
- Bryan Birtles
- Claudia Bustos
- Laurie Callsen
- Jenna Chalifoux
- Bruce Cinnamon
- Lori Clark
- Neil Cramer
- Dr. Russell Cobb
- Dawn Saunders Dahl
- Adriana A. Davies
- Peggy Donnelly
- Rob Drinkwater
- Matthew Dutczak
- Jannie Edwards
- Shaylene Flanagan
- Frank Florian
- Wendy Gervais
- Paul Giang
- Jane Gibson
- Amrita Gill
- Darrin Hagen
- Christina Hardie
- Lawrence Herzog
- Victoria Holota
- Rob Houle
- Mayor Don Iveson
- Shannon Kern
- Katherine Koller
- Kristine Kowalchuk
- Rhonda Kronky
- Bryan Kulba
- Andres Lalama
- Tom Long
- Kathryn Maclean
- Ester Malzahn
- Lauren Markewicz
- Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail
- Moly Milosovic
- Robert Morrison
- Eden Munro
- Tim O’Grady
- Michael Phair
- Mary Pinkoski
- Dr. Gregory Ramshaw
- Paulina Retamales
- PearlAnn Reichwein
- Mike Ross
- Dawn Saunders-Dahl
- Sally Scott
- Mike Siek
- Sam Singh
- Gareth Spicer
- Shelley Switzer
- Brendan Thompson
- Amy Wong
- Natalie Zacharewski
- Tai Ziola
Museum Strategies Sub-Committee
- Marian Bruin
- Marilyn Hussey
- Kathryn Ivany
- Beverly Lemire
- Terry O’Riordan
- Michael Phair
- Carolee Pollock
- Louise Reimer
- Jane Ross
- Virginia Stephen
- Gord Stewart
- Kyla Tichkowsky
Spaces/Places Brainstorming Group
- Stephanie Chai
- Christina Hardie
- Linda Hut
- Catherine Kuzik
- Erika Luckert
- Ester Malzahn
- Catherine Szabo
- Toscha Turner
Curiosities Bus Tour Brainstorming Group
- Catherine Behl
- Bruce Cinnamon
- Christina Hardie
- Daniel Rose