
Stories tagged: Medical History

Heritage Schools: Edmonton’s Surprising 1918 Influenza Epidemic Legacy

Suzanna Wagner

Would you be surprised if I told you that Edmonton’s schools were a more prominent contributor to Edmonton’s 1918 influenza…

Against the Law: the 1988 Nurses’ Strike

Josephine Boxwell

“The government can make all the laws they want, but they can’t stop people from going on strike… You could…

Edmonton: A World Class Dump, Part One – Grierson Dump

Dr. Russell Cobb

Waste may be as old as humanity, but the idea of trash is a relatively modern concept. In the first…

Ghosts of Camsell – Update

Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail

When Ghosts of Camsell went live in late March, I had no idea what to expect. I was definitely nervous…

Vintage Royal Alexandra Hospital Nursing program

Milestones – Vintage Yearbook Ads

Curio Studio

  Over the course of Curio’s working relationship with the hospital, we discovered a tucked-away archive of early 20th century…

The Ghosts of Camsell

Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail

The history behind the Indian Hospital is certainly haunting. During those two decades it was primarily used as a tuberculosis…