
Stories tagged: 1910s

Portraits of a Time

Lawrence Herzog

They were in the right place at the right time, and these pioneer photographers left behind a remarkable visual record…

Wilfrid “Wop” May: An Old-School Hero for a New Generation

Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail

Dime novelists and reporters from the days of the earliest flights were only too happy to feed that appetite with…

The Strange Disappearance of Felicia Graham

Kathryn MacLean

The School Board, citing her persistence for fair compensation as being indicative of depression, suggested that she had jumped from…

100 Years of Calder

Lawrence Herzog

Calder’s story began in the early years of the 20th century when GTPR decided to locate its roundhouse, repair shop…

The High Level Bridge at 100

Lawrence Herzog

It wasn’t fancy, but it was strong and structural, with 17.2 million pounds of steel held together with 1.4 million…