Interested in exploring Edmonton’s past, connecting it to the present, and sharing our city’s stories through audio? Are you a burgeoning podcaster looking for some hands-on experience? Or an experienced audio producer who wants to share what you know?
The Edmonton City as Museum Project (ECAMP) is seeking Expressions of Interest from both experienced and up-and-coming audio producers eager to engage Edmontonians with our city’s history through the ECAMP Podcast.
After a successful first season in 2016, the ECAMP Podcast has returned to continue exploring history from all corners of the city. We aim to develop a program that works with the community to create dialogue about Edmonton’s past, present, and future.
ECAMP is looking for new perspectives on the People, Places, Things, and Moments that have contributed to the story of Edmonton. Season 2 will have twelve episodes, 30-45 minutes long, released every second Saturday from April through August 2021. The themes for Season 2 will include LGBTQ2S+, immigration & neighbourhood histories.
ECAMP is interested in working with three Segment Hosts/Producers and one Production Coordinator. Each Segment Host/Producer will be responsible for one of the above themes and will be featured on eight of the twelve episodes.
The Production Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating production meetings, ensuring high quality audio, editing & delivering the final product, and mentoring the other producers. They will also be an on-air presence and will collaborate with & report to the ECAMP Curator.
Project elements & service requirements
- Some experience in audio producing, with an example of work that can be made available to ECAMP staff for review. The sample of work can be a single project or a demo reel of multiple projects, between 5 to 30 minutes long.
- A demonstrable understanding or interest in the history of Edmonton and at least one of the above themes.
- An ability to perform subject research to prepare for interviews, with help from ECAMP staff and our partners.
- Conduct interviews with subjects and other voices featured either on single episodes or as returning guests of the podcast.
- Provide draft content to the ECAMP Team via the Production Coordinator for review and feedback.
- Access to basic recording hardware (such as a handheld audio recorder and/or USB microphone and computer with audio interface installed) and software (Hindenburg, Adobe Audition, Reaper, Logic, Pro Tools are all common options) is preferred. EHC may be able to arrange access to a recording space and/or equipment if needed. Familiarity with Zoom and/or other remote meeting applications is a plus.
In addition to the requirements above, this role:
- Requires an experienced audio producer, with a portfolio of work that can be made available to ECAMP staff; the sample of work can be a single project or a demo reel of multiple projects, no longer than 30 minutes.
- Requires demonstrable experience in leading volunteer or staff teams, preferably in the field of podcasting/broadcasting. This role will lead planning and check-in meetings (most likely virtually) with the Podcast Team throughout production.
- Work alongside the ECAMP Team to provide framing for each episode, including conducting a contextual chat with the respective segment hosts/producers to be peppered throughout the show.
- Provide draft episode content to ECAMP Team for review and feedback.
- Assist with web content and publishing to online platforms with subscription capabilities.
Segment Hosts/Producers will be paid a maximum of $2,400 for their work on 8 episodes in Season 2 of the ECAMP Podcast. The Production Coordinator will be paid a maximum of $5,400 for their work on 12 episodes in Season 2 of the ECAMP Podcast.
Payment will be issued in two equal installments: halfway through the production and at the end of Season 2 production.
How to Submit
Expressions of Interest (EOIs) and a sample of work can be submitted electronically between Nov. 12, 2020 – Jan. 8, 2021. EOIs should be 1-3 pages in length and submitted as a single PDF.
EOIs should include:
- Your contact information (email address, mailing address & phone number);
- A brief statement summarizing your production experience and interest in Edmonton’s history and/or the above themes;
- A current resumé highlighting applicable qualifications;
- An audio sample of work.
To submit an EOI or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ECAMP Team. We are always happy to help!
Project Contact
Christina Hardie, ECAMP Curator
T: 780-429-0166 ext. 223
Explore Season 1 of the ECAMP Podcast here.